400K Radio Advertising in Florida

Contact: Chairman Tom Donelson

Americas PAC has initiated a $400,000 radio advertising buy opposing Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in Central Florida to prepare the media message space for the Presidential Primary and General Elections.

“Over the years Americas PAC has found that early radio advertising is an efficient way to fix and freeze the terms of the debate,” Americas PAC Chairman Tom Donelson said.
The ads demonstrate Clinton and the Democrat’s fecklessness on national security and that their economic agenda is the Same Old Plan—raise taxes on working people and give it to the government.

“Clinton, Sanders and the so-called Progressive Democrats haven’t had a new idea since 1932. Sanders’ plans date back to 1867,” Donelson said. “They aren’t progressives, they’re regressives.”

The campaign kicked off January 6th and the initial buy of radio ads is scheduled to run through March 1st. The ad campaign includes ads in Spanish and English, running on a variety of radio stations.

“The Democrats are out of step the Prevailing Economic Agreement that increased government debt hurts the economy,” Donelson said. “The voters understand that Military/Diplomatic Strength and Economic Strength are intertwined and that creating jobs is more important than knee-capping the most successful entrepreneurs in the name of income inequality.”

The first flight of ads are directly below:

Americas PAC has supported conservatives and Republicans since 2003 and is currently engaged in radio campaigns supporting Republican candidates in multiple states.