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2021 Nevada US Senate Memo

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For Immediate Release
Contact:  Tom Donelson, Chairman, Americas PAC

In their on-going corporate campaign against political speech and advertising by Conservatives, Google has permanently suspended Americas PAC’s advertising account saying, “We’ve confirmed that your account is in violation of our Google Ads policies.”

Google did not cite which, if any, policies Americas PAC supposedly violated.

“My assumption is that we violated their policy that liberals should never be criticized,” said Tom Donelson, Chairman of Americas PAC.  “Or maybe we violated their policy against effective conservative advertising.  It is hard to know because they won’t give us a reason.”

Google’s email made it clear a reason for the suspension would never be given by saying, “Our support team will not be able to give you any more specifics on the suspension.”


On April 3, 2019 Americas PAC began running nine-second video pre-roll ads in opposition to Democrat U.S. Senators Gary Peters and Tina Smith . [Watch the ad here]

The content of the video is taken from a radio ad produced by Americas PAC that is currently airing on more than 15 radio stations. [Listen to the radio ad here]

Google suspended the campaign and Americas PAC’s account on April 5th.  Americas PAC appealed and submitted verification information that it is an FEC Registered Political Action Committee and has been engaged in Federal Elections as an Independent Expenditure Committee since 2014.

“The only plausible conclusion is that Google banned Americas PAC for its conservative character, rather than the content of the ads,” Donelson said.  “If the content of the ads is acceptable to FCC Regulated radio stations, and Americas PAC is a registered Federal Election Commission Independent Expenditure Committee with a five-year track record of raising and spending millions of dollars reported to the FEC, then the only feasible explanation for Google’s actions is an ingrained corporate bias to protect Democrats.”

Americas PAC has faced opposition to its ads before, frequently tangling with the Democrat National Committee’s law firm, Perkins Coie.

“At least when Marc Elias and his minions come after us, they cite their point of view and we hash it out with radio station managers,” Donelson said.  “Perkins Coie has never been successful in shutting us down.  Google arbitrarily erected a digital wall between us and voters who use its platforms.”

Donelson added, “Google investors and stake-holders should be concerned about turning away money from customers.  It is never a good sign for investors when a company makes it a policy to discriminate against customers.”

Radio Campaign in Support of Tim Huelskamp


CONTACT: Tom Donelson, Americas PAC Chairman

Americas PAC has launched a radio ad campaign in support of Tim Huelskamp (R- KS1).

“Huelskamp has been an un-wavering leader in the fight to stop the out of control government debt and spending that hurts the economy,” said Tom Donelson, the Chairman of Americas PAC.

Huelskamp has a 93% on the Heritage Action Scorecard and a track record of Free Market Conservatism going back to his time in the Kansas Legislature.

“Representative Huelskamp understands the Federal Government Debt is a threat to national security and that increased government spending perpetuates a system where the middle classes get stuck with the bill,” Donelson said.

Americas PAC’s ads in support of Huelskamp started running Friday July 15 across Kansas’ ‘Big First’ Congressional District. Audio of Huelskamp comes from a speech he gave at the RightOnLine conference.

Americas PAC is one of the largest Federally Focused SuperPACs and has been supporting conservatives for more than a decade.

You can listen to the ad here 

400K Radio Advertising in Florida

Contact: Chairman Tom Donelson

Americas PAC has initiated a $400,000 radio advertising buy opposing Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in Central Florida to prepare the media message space for the Presidential Primary and General Elections.

“Over the years Americas PAC has found that early radio advertising is an efficient way to fix and freeze the terms of the debate,” Americas PAC Chairman Tom Donelson said.
The ads demonstrate Clinton and the Democrat’s fecklessness on national security and that their economic agenda is the Same Old Plan—raise taxes on working people and give it to the government.

“Clinton, Sanders and the so-called Progressive Democrats haven’t had a new idea since 1932. Sanders’ plans date back to 1867,” Donelson said. “They aren’t progressives, they’re regressives.”

The campaign kicked off January 6th and the initial buy of radio ads is scheduled to run through March 1st. The ad campaign includes ads in Spanish and English, running on a variety of radio stations.

“The Democrats are out of step the Prevailing Economic Agreement that increased government debt hurts the economy,” Donelson said. “The voters understand that Military/Diplomatic Strength and Economic Strength are intertwined and that creating jobs is more important than knee-capping the most successful entrepreneurs in the name of income inequality.”

The first flight of ads are directly below:

Americas PAC has supported conservatives and Republicans since 2003 and is currently engaged in radio campaigns supporting Republican candidates in multiple states.

Expanding Campaigns


Contact: Chairman Tom Donelson

Americas PAC has expanded the scope of its campaigns to include Iowa and New Hampshire and started running a new ad in Illinois.

“We committed to Iowa and New Hampshire a few weeks ago, seeing that we could make the wind blow the way of solid Republican candidates,” Donelson said.

The new ads are in support of Joni Ernst for Senate, Scott Brown for Senate and Marilinda Garcia for US Representative.

Polls currently show Ernst with a slight lead.

“In Iowa, our goal is to move Ernst beyond the Margin of Fraud,” Donelson said.

The polling New Hampshire shows Brown within striking distance and the polling of Garcia’s race is volatile with wild swings depending on the group conducting the poll.

“US Rep races are notoriously hard to poll, but at Americas PAC our shape the environment in favor of candidates,” Donelson said.

Americas PAC also started running a new ad in Illinois in opposition to Dick Durbin.

“It is telling that a new Super PAC is running $1,000,000 in ads to shore up Durbin’s position. We saw early that Durbin would underperform, but this is an indication of potential vulnerability,” Donelson said.

You can listen to the ads below:

Iowa in Support of Joni Ernst

New Hampshire in Support of Scott Brown

New Hampshire in Support of Marilinda Garcia

Illinois in Opposition to Dick Durbin